Ammos Route


This route fetches a list of all types of ammunition that can be encountered in Elden Ring, and outputs that in JSON format. The user can define his own pagination and also use search queries to find the desired output.


idstringId of the ammo item
namestringName of the ammo item
imagestringImage URL of the ammo item
descriptionstringShort description of the ammo item
typestringDamage type of the ammo item
passivestringPassive effect caused by the ammo item. Example: Bleed, Poison, etc.
attackPower{name: string, amount: number}How much damage the the projectile does in each category of damage. Example: { "name": "Phys", amount: 50 }

Sample Result

success: true,
count: 2,
data: [{
id: "17f69448ceel0i0a57bokoqz409yb",
name: "Firebone Arrow",
image: "",
description: "Arrow whittled from animal bones. The tip is set alight before firing",
type: "Pierce",
attackPower: [{
name: "Phy",
amount: 10
name: "Mag",
amount: 0
name: "Fire",
amount: 90
name: "Ligt",
amount: 0
name: "Holy",
amount: 0
name: "Crit",
amount: 100
passive: "-"
id: "17f695dc715l0i0a59pf1x5fb5112r",
name: "Bloodbone Arrow (fletched)",
image: "",
description: "Arrow whittled from animal bones. The tip is daubed with a golden tincture. Deals holy damage. Craftable item. The fletching adds distance to the arrow's flight.",
type: "Pierce",
attackPower: [{
name: "Phy",
amount: 25
name: "Mag",
amount: 0
name: "Fire",
amount: 0
name: "Ligt",
amount: 0
name: "Holy",
amount: 0
name: "Crit",
amount: 100
passive: "Causes blood loss build up (55)"


GET route retrieves a list of all the projectiles of Elden Ring.
GET route retrieves one Elden Ring projectile using its ID.


This route supports the following parameters:

Parameterdefault valueExample URLDESCRIPTION
limit20 parameter is used to set the maximum amount of items in the response
page0 parameter is used no navigate between pages of results
namenone parameter is used to search for fields by their names